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Plays Produced


  • Stuck With Fred  AMT Theater New Year New Works Festival, April

  • Sounds Like You Equity Library Theatre of New York, May


  • The Sugar Plant  Chain Theatre Summer One-Act Festival, June


  • Stuck With Fred   Rogue Theater Festival, July 


  • What Happened Was, NY TheaterFest (formerly NYSummerFest), November

  • The Sugar Plant, Actors Studio Drama School Repertory Season (Off-Broadway), November

  • E Minor Seventh, City Theatre, Miami (Finalist, National Short Playwriting Contest)

  • E Minor Seventh, Jersey City Arts Center New Play Festival, June

  • Stuck With Fred, Road Theater Company, Los Angeles, July

  • The Sugar Plant, Rogue Theater Festival, New York, July


  • E Minor Seventh, Fifth Ave Theater of New York Virtual Play Festival, December (Special Mention Award) 

  • Sounds Like You, Permafrost Theatricals Script to Screen Festival, November

  • Stuck With Fred, Actors Studio Playwrights & Directors Workshop, November

  • E Minor Seventh, Permafrost Theatricals Icebreaker Series, February 


  • What Happened Was, Actors Studio Drama School, New York, December

  • The Sugar Plant, Actors Studio Drama School, New York, May


  • E Minor Seventh, Actors Studio Drama School, New York, March


  • Mighty Good Company, Theaterworks, May


  • What's In A Name, Variations Theater Group, Chain Theater, New York, March


  • What's In A Name, Bococa Arts Festival, Ceol Irish Pub, Brooklyn, NY, June


  • She's So Beautiful, Testogenius Festival, Manhattan Theater Source, New York, June


  • The Way Out, National Arts Club, New York, ï»¿October

  • The Way Out, Manhattan Theater Source, New York, ï»¿March


  • Not Dark Yet, NY Int'l Fringe Festival, Walkerspace, New York, ï»¿August


  • Wrong Barbarians, NY Int'l Fringe Festival, Cherry Lane Theater, New York, ï»¿August


  • Acts of Contrition, NY Int'l Fringe Festival, The Play Room, New York, ï»¿August (Excellence in Playwriting Award)


  • The Way Out, NY Int'l Fringe Festival, La Tea Theater, New York, ï»¿August (Excellence in Acting Award)


  • The Way Out, Chelsea Playhouse, New York, ï»¿July


  • Under the Green Ceiling, Synchronicity Space, New York, ï»¿November


  • Mind, Body, & Spirit: Three Plays by Timothy Nolan, Synchronicity Space, New York, ï»¿ November


  • Acts of Contrition, Synchronicity Space, New York, ï»¿October


  • What's In A Name, Samuel French Off-Off-Broadway Play Festival, Nat Horne Theater, New York, ï»¿April (Critics' Choice Award)

  • Acts of Contrition, New Director's Festival, Synchronicity Space, New York, ï»¿March


  • The Bull, Samuel French Off-Off-Broadway Play Festival, Double Image Theater, New York, ï»¿April (Critic's Choice Award)


Timothy Nolan

Stuck With Fred

  • Indie Theater Now Person of the Year

  • New Play Exchange Marylou Di Pietro, “ I just saw Tim Nolan's play, Stuck with Fred, in The Road Theatre Festival, and was blown away. The humanity in Nolan's play is riveting and humbling. The depth and vulnerability of the two main characters are both heartbreaking and refreshing. Stuck with Fred (the perfect title!) speaks to anyone who has had a much older friend, or a much younger friend, or any friend who understands and loves them in a way no one else can or ever will. This is a play that needs to be staged over and over.  ”

Acts of Contrition

  • Excellence in Playwriting Award 2003 New York International Fringe Festival

  • New York Times ("Mr. Nolan writes thoughtfully and carefully about the human cost of a problem that is, after all, a function of human frailty." Bruce Weber)

  • WQXR Radio ("The play would benefit from a professional staging. Audiences would benefit, too." Bruce Weber)

  • Curtain Up ("If your gauge is tuned by thoughtful and well-written plays that are impeccably directed and finely acted, this one will also be at the top of your heap." Les Gutman)

  • (A "timely, provocative play." Kwesi Cameron)

  • ("Acts of Contrition"...has earned its kudos, unfolding beautifully and with substantial complexity into the human side of an incendiary problem. The play is both smart and reverent enough to interweave the gorgeous rituals of Catholicism with the casual, beach-house setting." Jean Tang)

The Way Out

  • Excellence in Performance Award, Shiek Mahmud-Bey, 2002 New York International Fringe Festival

  • New York Times ("Appreciating this play does not require a political interest in Mr. Carter's case. What he seems to have gone through is an enormous magnification of a feeling every human being knows: of not being believed and facing his opinions alone." Anita Gates)

  • Curtain Up ("This is one of those Fringe productions that could easily return for a longer engagement somewhere..." Les Gutman)

What's In A Name

  • Plays and Playwrights 2014 Anthology ("A bona fide thriller, as we trace–through flashbacks–the long-stored secrets of its heroine; and also, compellingly, an exploration of identity and reputation and memory. The question posed by the play’s title is thoroughly examined here, with memorable and insightful results.") 

  • ("The brilliance of Nolan's work here is its immediacy: he...makes us confront the difficult question she is (mostly unsuccessfully) trying to grapple with...It's absolutely worth seeing, and also a piece that deserves a long life in productions elsewhere." Martin Denton)

  • Queens Courier ("...a two act nightmarish revelation...a window into the tormented woman’s emotional breakdown." Cliff Kasden)

Mind, Body, & Spirit: Three Plays by Timothy Nolan

  • Off-Off Broadway Review ("If Mr. Nolan's work is any indicator of the company's general level of excellence, the founders have a very high standard of playwriting indeed." John Chatterton)

Wrong Barbarians

  • ("Depending on where you are in the process of choosing or not choosing to be ruled by fear, this play may prove instructive, cathartic, or perhaps even both." Martin Denton)

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